26/JUN/2023 - Mobile Boarding pass

Dear Customers, 

We would like to update you regarding a new functionality that will allow passengers to save their boarding passes in their Google or IOS wallet.

Each one of the services requires a different configuration which will be explained below.

IOS Wallet

  1. You will be required to open a new account (signup) on Pass2U
  2. Once logged you will need to create a new model (Boarding pass):

  3. Modify the 'Info' from your boarding pass with the relevant airline name, following the next example:
  4. Modify the 'Design' from your boarding pass, we recommend you start with the colors:
  5. Modify and add the specific fields as required, they should be type 'Dynamic' and in the 'Key' field you can add any of the parameters from the list below:

    Parameter Description


    Departing flight destination code "JFK"
    todstcode Arriving flight destination code "TLV"
    flightnumber Flight number
    seat Seat location
    fidremark Flight Information display remarks (for gate)
    boardingtime Time of boarding as: "HH:MM"
    passenger Full passenger name
    class Class code / Class name - In case you are using branding it will show the name of the brand
  6. For the QR code section, you should select the Dynamic - Assigned by CSV file or API data type:
  7. Once the design is completed, you can issue the model (with the default options):
  8. You should then provide ModelID and API Key to our Support team to configure it:

    API key:

  9. Please notice that you should use the paid version.

Google Wallet

  1. Open an account in Google Pay & Wallet console to get your issuer account, you should make sure that you update all the mandatory fields in the Business profile.
  2. After you completed your Business profile, navigate to the Google Wallet API page and click Request access and complete the process, you should be on the following screen:

    You should later on "Request publishing access" later on to get approval and change to Live Mode. 
  3. Sign in to the Google Cloud console 
  4. Enable the Google API Wallet
  5. Create a service account in the Google Cloud Console:

  6. Go to the keys tab and create JSON keys
  7. Send JSON file to our Support team for its configuration:
  8. In order to connect between Google Wallet and Google Cloud you need to add a new user by adding the service account's email address.
    You need to copy the following email:
  9. Back in the Google Pay & Wallet console you should go to the Users tab and invite a user:

  10. You need to copy issuerID which you can find from Google Pay > Google Wallet API tab and provide it to our Support team for its configuration.
    Here's an example of how Google (Android devices) will look. The design is fixed due to Google Wallet format restrictions

Once you have completed the configurations for either one of the Wallets, you can add the following parameters on BP settings:



We recommend adding it to the 'email' version of the Boarding pass only and this will be presented as buttons in the following way:

If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this new option please submit a support ticket directly or contact us at support@aerocrs.com
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