Dear customers,
In the following article you will learn how to create and manage flights crew via the GO7 PSS system.
Creating & Assigning Crew Members
In order to create new crew members in the system, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Crew module
- Click on the Crew types sub-module
- Add the relevant crew types that you wish to have in the system (don't forget to mark it as active):
- After you have finished creating the crew types in the system, click on the Crew sub-module (this sub-module will present you with all of the crew members in the system)
- Click on the "New" button (
- Fill all of the relevant information for the new crew member, and then hit the "Save" button.
Allocating crew member to a GO7 user account
When creating a crew member in the system, you are given the option to select a system user.
Allocating a specific system user to a crew member will affect the calendar view (you can read more about the calendar feature in the following article: Operational Calendar).
Let's take the following crew member for an example:
We will see that this crew member is allocated to a GO7 user account named "meir". When this user account logs in to the system and opens the calendar, the calendar will only show flights that are assigned to this crew member.
In order assign crew members to flights, follow the steps below:
- Open the relevant flight screen (can be done via the SCF command, or simply by navigating into the flight screen via the Flight Series section)
- Within the flight screen, you will see a small section that called Routing:
- Within the flight Routing screen, you will be able to assign available aircraft & crew members to this flight:
Crew Availability
The system allows you to create different availability types for your crew. For example: "Sick", "Vacation" etc.
In order to create and assign different availability types for the crew, follow the steps below:
- Click on the Crew Availability Types sub-module
- Add new availability type:
- Go to the Crew availability sub-module, and then click on the "New" button to add a new availability record:
- Once done and saved, this availability will take effect immediately (in continue to the above example - the crew member Matan will not be available for assignment during 6-7 to August due to a vacation)