Operational Calendar

Dear customers,

In this article, we will provide you with detailed information and guidelines that will allow you to better understand and utilize the operational calendar in our system.

Using this calendar properly will simplify your daily operational and monitoring tasks in the GO7 PSS system.


How to access the calendar?

  1. Go to the Operations module
  2. Click on the Calendar sub-module

Calendar overview

The calendar allows you to choose what information to present, based on several parameters:

  • Aircraft: Hide/show flights based on the aircraft model.
  • Crew name: View only flights that are assigned to the selected crew member.
  • Scheduled flights: Hide/show scheduled flights from the calendar view.
  • Charters: Hide/show charter flights from the calendar view.
  • A/C availability: Will show the aircraft availability (maintenance days for example).
  • My Time Zone: Present the calendar times  with your current timezone or UTC.
  • There are 3 different views for the calendar:

Monthly View

Weekly View

Daily View

Color Schemes & Visual Indicators

In order to differentiate between flight types (charters / scheduled flights), there are few basic and default colors that will be used to highlight different flight in the calendar:

  • Black background + person icon: Charter flight
  • Grey background + person icon: Charter on Request
  • Black color + wrench icon: Aircraft availability (maintenance for example)
  • Any other color (based on the a/c color setting) + aircraft icon: Scheduled flight

Operational Information

The calendar can provide you with more details on a flight, by hovering with the mouse on a specific flight:

By clicking on a specific flight in the calendar, the system will automatically redirect you to the flight screen.

Personal Calendar for Crew Members:
Another useful feature in the calendar is the ability to allow a crew member logged into the GO7 PSS system to see a personalized calendar. This calendar will only present flights assigned to the crew member, and they won't be able to view the calendar information of other crew members.


In order to do that, you will simply need to allocate the selected crew member to their user account in the system. Please follow the Crew Management article in order to learn how to do that.

Once the crew member logged in to the system and has opened the calendar, you will be able to see an indication of that filtering, such in the following sample screenshot:

Related Articles

  • Crew Management (how to create new crew members, setting crew availability, assigning crew members to flights)
  • Routing Management (how to create new aircraft, assign aircraft to flights, picking the aircraft color
    for the calendar use)
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