25/DEC/2017 - New "PNR Accounting" report

Dear customers,

We have deployed a new report which allows you to extract full "accounting" information about bookings.

The report is called "PNR Accounting"

  • The columns include all the PNR information (user, creation date etc).
  • Routes column - will show all the routes in the PNR.
  • Passengers - will show all the passengers in the PNR.
  • Fare information (totals for the PNR)
  • Invoices - all the invoices, data is separated within the column by "|" separator, example: Invoice number|value
  • Total invoices amount
  • Receipts information - all the receipts information separated within the column by "|", example: Receipt number|Amount|Type|Code (approval etc)
  • Total receipts amount
  • Deposits information - all the deposits information separated within the column by "|", example: deposit ID|Amount
  • Total deposits
  • Vouchers information - all the vouchers information repeated within the column by "|", example: Voucher number|amount
  • Total Vouchers
  • Total DUE.

The filter available for this report:

  • Ticketed bookings only
  • Agency
  • Customer e-mail
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