Report is not working

The most common reason for issues with reports is the selected date range.

If you encounter an issue or error message while trying to generate a report in the GO7 PSS system, the best course of action is to shorten the selected date range of the report and try again.

A long date range can overload the system and might prevent it from completing the requested action. It is not possible to determine or recommend a specific date range for each report, as that solely depends on the amount of data available for your airline.

If you encounter an error after attempting to run a report, before trying again with shorter date range values, first ensure to clear the filters for your user account. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Open the Users list:

  2. Open the relevant user account, scroll down and then click on the purple button that says "Clear Filters":

  3. Try to run the report with a shortened date range.

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