Generate a report

GO7 PSS has over 60 reports for you to generate, and almost unlimited reports with customized reports (Please see customized reports article).

To generate a report in GO7 PSS, follow these steps:

  • Access the Reports Module: Click on the "Reports" button at the top of the screen. If you don't see the Reports button, it may be due to your permissions settings. In that case, consult your administrator.


  • Choose the Report Type: Within the Reports module, select the type of report you want to generate from the available options. You can choose from a variety of pre-defined reports, each designed to provide specific information.

  • Filter the Details: Once you've selected the type of report, you can further refine the details according to your requirements. This may include specifying dates, users, or any other relevant parameters that will help tailor the report to your needs.

  • Export the Report: After filtering the details, you can choose how you want to export the report. Options typically include:
    • Print out: Select this option to generate a print-ready version of the report.
    • Excel Sheet (CSV format): Choose this option to export the report data in CSV format, which can be opened and edited in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software.
    • PDF: Select this option to generate the report in PDF format, which is suitable for viewing and sharing.
    • E-mail: If you want to email the report to yourself or others, you can choose this option to send it directly from the system.


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