Make a Payment

In this article, you will learn how to make a payment for a booking and about the optional payment options GO7 PSS offers.

The payment option in the system will be available only after entering the customer/agency and passenger details. The payment option turns Purple.

Clicking the payment button now open the payment pop-up screen.

Payment options:

  • 3Gdirectpay / Credit card provider: Most of our clients are using 3G credit card provider. We can make the implementation with your CC supplier as well.
  • Bank Transfer: After you receive the payment to your bank transfer, select this option and write the confirmation code.
  • Cash: If customer/agency is paying in cash.
  • Cheque: If customer/agency is paying in Cheque. With this option you write the cheque details.
  • DebitCard: Additional payment option which need to have approval number. (E.g: mPesa)
  • Deposit: Utilize from deposit amount the agency / customer has already have in your company.
  • Pay@checkin: Option for the customer to pay right away when he get to the checkin counter.
  • Paypal: The world's famous payment option.
  • Voucher: Option for agencies to pay with voucher.
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