In this article, you will learn how to send SMS from the PNR screen to some or all of the passengers.

Note: SMS can also be sent from the flight screen, learn more.

In order to send SMS from PNR screen, first find the relevant PNR screen and click on the phone icon on the top right side.

System now shows the SMS screen.
In the SMS screen you can select the passengers and/or customer to which the SMS will be sent.
NOTE: Only Passengers and/or customers with phone number will be shown.

Then, write a customized sms message. You can use variable placements to be replaced automatically in the SMS.

If you have created templates for SMS, you can use the drop-down menu instead. (Not sure how to create SMS templates? Learn more.)

Our Variable Placements:

You can put variable placements so the system would automatically replace with content from the booking:

  • {PNRREF} - PNR Reference
  • {PNRNAME} - PNR name
  • {PTLGMT} - Payment time limit in GMT
  • {TTLGMT} - Ticketing time limit in GMT
  • {CUSTNAME} - Customer name
  • {AGTNAME} - Agency name
  • {PAXNAME} - Passenger name (valid only if sent to the passenger)
  • {PNRLINK} - Link to booking

 Video tutorial that demonstrate the above steps:

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