Split booking

In this article you will learn how to split booking in a PNR, and create automatic PNR.

Split booking feature may not be available in all packages. If you can't find the Split booking icon, please contact your administrator.

You want to split a booking when a group of passengers under the same PNR are flying together, and at least one of them is changing the flight time and/or destination.

You can also split a booking based on the "Services" and move one or more services to a new booking with all the passengers from the original booking.

The split process involves taking the selected passengers/services and funds and transferring them to a new PNR.

To issue a split booking, first locate the relevant PNR and navigate to the PNR screen.


Then, click on the split booking icon in the top right area of the PNR screen.

Note: The alert indicates that the PNR is ticketed and the system will cancel and re-ticket the PNR.

After you approve and confirm, the system will redirect to the split booking screen.

In this screen, you can select "Services" or "Passengers" for the split action.

Select the passengers or the services to split, and then specify the amount of money to transfer to the new PNR.
The amount will be automatically calculated based on your selection, but you can change it if you would like.


Now you can see a new PNR screen.

  1. System create a new PNR
  2. The funds to transfer utilized as deposit in the new PNR. 
  3. Under the remarks area you can see and switch to the original PNR

In case the original PNR is already ticketed and you decide to use the Split option but not transfer all the funds of the original PNR to the new one, the new PNR will be created in HN (Holding need) status. You will need to process the payment and ticketing of the booking. Only then will you be able to make any amendments or cancellations.


If all the funds are not transferred to the new PNR, the difference will be retained in the original PNR, provided that the deposit does not exceed the 'MAX deposit limit' option of the user. If the deposit exceeds the 'MAX deposit limit', the original PNR will also be placed in HN status until a refund is processed, and only then can the PNR be ticketed again.

We have also added a permission in the CRS users:


And CRS agents:


By marking this permission, users will be allowed to have the new PNR in PN (pending) status instead of HN. They will be able to make amendments or cancellations before balancing the PNR.


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