Agent Charter Rates Sub-module

The Agent Charter Rates sub-module allows for the creation of charter rates for agent charter bookings, specifically for point-to-point charter flights. These rates are calculated based on the distance between two destinations, the flight block speed, which generates the flight's duration. Rates can be charged per hour or per mile.

Actions that can be preformed on this sub-module:
New Click on "New" to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view its details.
Filter Filter the results on this screen and create customised reports.

Field Description
A/C Type Aircraft type for the charter flight, sourced from the aircraft type submodule in the operational administration module.
Agent Agent name
Pricing Pricing amount of a charter flight for agent
Pricing Per Mile Pricing amount per mile of a charter flight for agent
Pricing Per Hour Pricing amount per hour of a charter flight for agent

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