Leg D. sub-module

The Leg Discount submodule allows for the creation of discounts based on the number of legs in an agent's booking. These discounts can be tailored to specific agents, dates, and classes. Once saved, the discount will be automatically applied as commission in agent bookings.

Actions that can be preformed on this sub-module:
New Click on "New" to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view its details.
Filter Filter the results on this screen and create customised repors.

Field Description
Class Class restriction for the discount. The discount will only apply to the selected class.
Classes Class restrictions for the discount. The discount will only apply to the selected classes.
Limit same route Limits fare sum leg counting only to bookings of the same route.
Agent The agent to apply the discount. The discount will apply to the selected agent.
Agent Group The agent group to apply the discount. The discount will apply to all agencies in the selected group.
From Start date of the discount.
To End date of the discount.
Service From Start date of service for the discount.
To End date of service for the discount.
Hour limit Time interval for the limit of legs counting. For example, a 2-hour limit will count only legs of flights with a departure time difference of 2 hours or less. Enter 0 for unlimited.
Apply Discount on Commission Apply the discount on the commissioned fare. This will prevent the service from being recalculated when applying a discount.
Connection as one leg Check this box to count connection fare as one leg.

NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen
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