Agencies sub-module

The agencies sub-module facilitates the creation and management of agencies within the system. Bookings can be assigned to either an agency or an agent operating under an agency.

Actions available within this sub-module include:

New Click on "New" to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view its details.
Filter Use "Filter" to refine results on the screen and generate customised reports.

Field Description
VC E-mail E-mail any vc will be CC'd
VAT Num Set the VAT number to be displayed on invoices for the specified agency.
Remark Add a remark to be displayed on the agency invoices.
Category Enter a category name to appear on the agency invoices (optional).
TIN Number Add the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to display on the invoice. TIN is an identifying number used for tax purposes (mostly relevant to the United States‚ but can apply for other countries too). 
Voucher Counter Automated counter for voucher numbers assigned to this agency; enter zero to disable.
Cash (On Cash Basis) Enable cash as a payment method for agency bookings (only in the CRS).
Vouchers Allow the use of vouchers as a form of payment for agency bookings.
Circuit Fare Percentage If specified, the system calculates the Circuit Fare Percentage of the Rack Fare where applicable (only for systems with Circuit Fare enabled).
Cheque (On cash basis) Allow the use of cheques as a payment method for agency bookings (only in the CRS).
API code Enter the API code provided by the agency to allow the agency to get commissions via GO7 API.
Voucher Header Display a header before the voucher counter if activated.
Maximum PAX p/booking Set the maximum number of passengers allowed per booking for the agency. Leave blank if you don't wish to set a limit.
Debit Cards (On cash basis) Allow the use of debit cards as a payment method for agency bookings (in the CRS only).
Update VD Update all invoices of this agency based on the selected value date (VD) and credit days setup.
Segment Target Set a target for a specific agency.
Credit Card (On cash basis) Allow the use of credit cards as a payment method for agency bookings (in the CRS only).
Bank Code Enter Bank Code for exporting information to external accounting systems and accounting reports.
Value Date Enter the value date for invoices, which determines the invoice due date based on credit days. The invoice due date will be calculated from the value date + credit days.
Example: if an agency is configured with the "First service date" as the value date, and an agent creates a PNR with a credit days of 10 days, and the first service in the booking is scheduled for the 2nd of February, then the invoice due date will be the 12th of February. This due date is calculated as 10 days from the 2nd of February, the date of the first service.
Bank transfer (OCB) Allow the use of bank transfer as a payment method for agency bookings (in the CRS only).
Sales Target Set a sales target amount for a specific agency.
Payment Limit Define a payment limit in the company currency; if exceeded‚ the agency will not be allowed additional ticketing beyond credit days (if checkbox is checked).
Payment Limit Block Block the agency from making additional bookings if the payment limit is breached.
See all classes Allow agents to book on all available classes.
Set Specific Classes Specify classes that agents are allowed to book.
Show Company Exchange Display the company's default exchange rate on invoices for this agency.
Allow Deposit Use Allow the agency to utilize existing deposits in their account using the CRS.
TTL Alert interval Set the TTL alert interval; if set to 0, the alert is disabled. If you want the TTL alert to be sent to non ticketed 24 hours before‚ set it to 24.
Send Only to Agency If checked‚ the system will only send TTL notifications to the agency email; otherwise, notifications will be sent to both the agency and the originating user (web or agent CRS user).
PTL Set an agency-specific payment time limit in hours for bookings made on the CRS. Put 0 for default PTL. 
Allow Credit Card Payment Enable the agency to charge the end customer's or the agency's card directly from the CRS. Applicable for CRS agents only.
Set Generic Schemes Allow agents to book on all fares without scheme settings.
Set Specific Schemes Select specific schemes to show to agents.
PTL in TTL Set an agency-specific payment time limit in hours for bookings made on the CRS within the TTL. Put 0 for default PTL in TTL.
Show Cancelled Services on Invoice Display cancelled services on the invoice.
Allow Groups Allow agents to tick the group checkbox in the PNR when using the agency's CRS.
Block Web Seat Selection If checked, block web agents or customers from this agency from selecting seats before check-in.
Limit Void Set a limit for the number of voids; exceeding this limit triggers the cancellation policy. Set 0 for unlimited VOIDs.
Allow RQ bookings Allow agents to book on request.
PTL Alert Interval Set the PTL alert interval; if set to 0, the alert is disabled. If you want the PTL alert to be sent to non ticketed 24 hours before‚ set it to 24.
Allow AVL QTY This setting allows CRS agents that use the AVL screen‚ to see available seats for each class in flight results.
Web Code Code for use when logging in the website when the "Agency code" login is enabled. If login in agency code is not enabled‚ the e-mail of the Agency Web User will be used as login credentials.
Default currency Set the default currency available for the agent.
Booking Limit Define the maximum amount of non-invoiced bookings allowed for this agent.
Credit Limit Define the maximum amount of invoiced bookings not yet paid allowed for this agent.
Credit Days Specify the number of days the agency has to pay the invoice.
ACC code Accounting code for reports purposes within agencies. You might see this code in some of the agencies' reports.

NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen
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