FID Templates sub-module

FID Templates sub module allows to create templates for flight information display screen. The templates may include departures and arrival flights information‚ additional images‚ etc..

Actions can be preformed on this sub-module :
New Click on NEW to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view the record.

Link 1Insert ink to figure 1
Link 2Insert ink to figure 2
Link 3Insert ink to figure 3
Link 4Insert ink to figure 4
Link 5Insert ink to figure 5
Link 6Insert ink to figure 6
Font sizeInsert font size of text in the FID (pixels)
Another display to showChoose to show another screen after the current screen (drop list)
NameInternal name of the FID screen
Display NameDisplay name of the FID screen
RotationFrequency of rotation between figures in FID screen (seconds).

NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen
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