Create SMS templates

In this article you will learn how to create templates to be used with SMS you send from the system.

SMS can be sent from flight screen, learn more.
SMS can be sent from PNR screen, learn more. .
SMS can be sent from the FF module, learn more

SMS templates helpes you send pre-created sms must faster and easier.
In order to create a template for SMS, first go to Administration module -> SMS Templates.

Then, click on the add new icon to create a new template.

At first, don't forget to mark the template as 'Active'; otherwise, you won't be able to use it.

Write the message template you would like to create. You can include variable placements so the system will automatically replace them with content from the booking.

Our Variable Placements:

You can put variable placements so the system would automatically replace with content from the booking:

  • {PNRREF} - PNR Reference
  • {PNRNAME} - PNR name
  • {PTLGMT} - Payment time limit in GMT
  • {TTLGMT} - Ticketing time limit in GMT
  • {CUSTNAME} - Customer name
  • {AGTNAME} - Agency name
  • {PAXNAME} - Passenger name (valid only if sent to the passenger)
  • {PNRLINK} - Link to booking
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