Outage 4/July/2015

We are informing our customers of a major planned outage for a major servers upgrade.

The outage will occur from 4/July/2015 20:00 GMT for 4 hours. (updated date and time)

During the course of the planned outage the following services will not be available:

  • AeroCRS System
  • AeroCRS hosted websites
  • AeroCRS API
  • AeroCRS storage facilities

We will use this article to update you with updates and progress of the planned outage.


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    Does this mean the website will not be available? Or just the booking engine.

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    Meir Hadassi

    Hi Ajay,

    All AeroCRS services, including the websites will be down during this outage.

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    Meir Hadassi

    Dear customers,
    We have started the server maintenance and upgrades, please follow here for updates.

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    Meir Hadassi

    Update - AeroCRS system (back office) is back online and can be used.
    We are working on the rest of the system elements and websites.

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    Meir Hadassi

    Update - All hosted websites are back online, including storage services etc. we are working to enable internal procedures (scheduled reports etc)

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    Meir Hadassi

    Update - all systems are back online and operational.

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