Agent Fare Schemes

In this article, you will learn how "Agent fare schemes" work and how to enable this operation.

The "Agent fare scheme" allows you to establish a scheme of fares. After you have allocated fares to a specific scheme, you will be able to assign schemes to agencies, thereby allowing them to view only the specific schemes selected for them.

Adding a scheme

  1. Go to "Marketing". 
  2. Navigate to "Fare schemes".
  3. Add a record.

Allocating a scheme to a fare

  1. Go to "Marketing".
  2. Navigate to "Fares".
  3. Select a fare to update.
  4. Select the "Scheme" from the list.

Allocate a scheme/s to an agency

  1. Go to "Agents".
  2. Navigate to "Agencies".
  3. Select an agency to update.
  4. Click on "Set specific schemes".
  5. In the new window, select the schemes this agency is allowed to see (you can select one or many) NOTE: if you select schemes with the same fares, the system will display them randomly. Make sure that you have selected the correct schemes.

  6. Click "Save".
  7. Ensure that "See generic fares" is not checked in the agency settings.
  8. Click "Save".

From now on, the agency will see only fares allocated to the selected scheme/s.

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    It is not clear what is the difference between a discount and a scheme.

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    Isaac Khon

    Hi Shai,

    I'm following with you on tickets for clarification

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