The "Ref Templates" sub-module allows the creation of reference templates in the system. Each reference template refers to the properties of a booking itinerary from a PNR.
Actions can be preformed on this sub-module :
New Click on New to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view the record.
Filter Filter the results on this screen and create a customized report.
Field | Description |
Show on Agents CRS | Allow itinerary on CRS Agent user accounts. |
Show to Agent PNR | Show itinerary for agent bookings. |
Show to Direct Cust. PNR | Show pricings of direct customers bookings in itinerary. |
Language | Select the language of the itinerary. |
Show agent logo | Show agent logo on itinerary (applicable only for agent booking). |
Customer / Agent details | Show customer or agent details in the itinerary (according to the booking type). |
Personal Tickets | For printing personal tickets. |
Intro Text | Insert itinerary introduction text. |
Title / E-mail subject | To this header - the PNR REF will be added at the end of it. |
Title Note | Insert title note text of the itinerary. |
Total | Show total pricing amount in the itinerary. |
Baggage | Show baggage allowance. |
Checkin | Show flight check-in time in the itinerary. |
VAT | Show VAT on the table if exists in the service line. |
Company Currency | Show company currency and exchange rate. |
Checkin HHMM | Show flight check-in time in the itinerary in HHMM. |
Show services | Select the type of services to show in the itinerary. |
PNR remarks | Show website address link in the itinerary. |
Flight rules and notifications | Show flights rules and notification in the itinerary. |
Show PTL | Show booking PTL (payment time limit) in the itinerary. |
PNR name | Show PNR name in itinerary. |
Show via | Show via destinations for multileg flights. |
TAX breakdown | Show tax breakdown in the itinerary. |
Show DUE | Shows the calculation of the DUE amount for payment in the booking. |
PNR log | Show PNR log in itinerary. |
Show TTL | Show booking TTL (ticket time limit) in the itinerary. |
Receipts | Show booking receipts details in itinerary. |
Invoices | Show booking invoices details in itinerary. |
Deposits | Show booking deposits details in itinerary. |
Vouchers info | Show booking voucher details in itinerary (applicable only for agent bookings). |
Environment | Adds note: 'Please consider the environment before printing this email'. |
Footer Text | It can be used for ticket terms etc. |
Attachment 1 | Select a fixed attachment to send with template. |
Attachment 2 | Select a fixed attachment to send with template. |
Show only to ticketed PNR | Show only ticketed PNRs in itinerary. The ticket number will be added to the template under "Header note". |
Name | Ref template name. |
Company details | Show company details and address. |
Company Logo | Show company logo. |
Services with pricing | Show services with their pricings in itinerary. |
Services without pricing | Show only services without their pricings in itinerary. |
Passengers | Show passengers details in itinerary. |
Show Rack | Show rack pricings in itinerary (hide commissions). |
Website link | show company website link to the itinerary. |
Ticket Terms | Show ticket terms text in itinerary. |
NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen