Customers sub-module

The Customers submodule contains the list of customers of the company and their related details. Customers can be created in the system either from the PNR screen or directly from the Customers submodule. In the PNR screen, customer selection/creation is the first stage of submitting a booking.

Actions can be preformed on this sub-module :
New Click on New to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view the record.
Remove Remove a record by clicking on REMOVE after you view the record or DELETE button.
Filter Filter the results on this screen and create a customized report.

Field Description
Address Fill customer address
Website connection details Customer password for connecting the website
Last Name Fill customer last name
First Name Fill customer first name

NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen
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