Seat Control sub-module

Seat Control submodule allows browsing single scheduled flights from an existing flight series, as well as creating new single flights. Single flights are created using service load, destinations, and classes, which are created separately in their related submodules under Operation Administration and Marketing modules. To open an existing single flight, click on the requested flight record from the seat control list. The single flight screen contains information regarding flight bookings, passenger lists of the flight, as well as options to open flights for check-in, close flight, etc.

Actions can be preformed on this sub-module :
New Click on New flight to create a new record.
View Click on a record to view the record.
Filter Filter the results on this screen and create a customized report.

Field Description
FID Status Flight status that will appear in FID (flight information display) screen.
Show to agents Tick this checkbox to show flight to agents.
Show on web Tick this checkbox to show flight on website.
Service Load Flight service load type.
VIA STA Via destination standard time of arrival.
VIA STD Via destination standard time of departure.
HN Passengers booked 'holding needs' status.
RQ Passengers booked 'on request' status.
Date flight date.
Overlapping leg Applicable only to VIA flights and according to company settings.
O/L flight num. Overlapping flight number (not mandatory). Applicable only to VIA flights and according to company settings.
Date Flight date.
Flight# Flight number.
STD Flight standard time of departure.
From Flight from destination.
Via Flight via destination.
To Flight to destination.
STA Flight standard time of arrival.
From-To Passengers booked for from-to leg.
From-Via Passengers booked for from-via leg.
Via-To Passengers booked for via-to leg.
Internal Passengers booked for internal leg.

NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen
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