Uploading passengers list

In this article, we will review how to load passengers into a booking from an Excel sheet.

  1. In a PNR, click the "Upload group data" icon in the passengers section.
  2. A windows would pop-up, if you have a pop-up blocker, please disable it.
  3. Download the example file in the link
  4. Update the passengers data in the excel and save as a regular excel file.
  5. Select "Browse" and attach the file you have for the passengers list
  6. There is no need for "Internal name"
  7. Click "Upload"
  8. The PNR should refresh if the list is within allowed parameters.
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    Crscare02 Gmairs

    Dear Sir ,

    Well received and thanks for your help .

    Best Regards ,
    L MAR

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