16/Jul/2015 - New accounting transaction report

Dear customers,

We've created a new report for accounting purposes which displays all invoices and receipts for specific dates.
The report is called "Accounting Transactions" and the user have the abiliy to filter by PNR or invoice/receipt date.

The user can choose several options for this report:

  1. Filter by PNR date and show "All records" - show all invoices and receipts (including credit invoices/receipts) by PNR date. may result in multiple lines per PNR.
  2. Filter by PNR date and show "Totals and not balanced" - show the sum of all invoices and receipts per PNR (by PNR date) and displays only unbalanced ones. only one line per PNR.
  3. Filter by Record date and show "All records" - show all invoices and receipts by record date (date of invoice/receipt issued).

We'll be happy to receive feedback for this new report.

If you do not see this report in your report center, please ask your administrator to enable it for you.

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    Hi Meir, sorry I did try and have a look at it but I cannot see it even as administrator. Please advise the steps to be taken to see that report in order for me to give you feedback on it

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    Meir Hadassi

    Hi Elmi,

    You will need to give yourself permission to see the report under "Administrations" > "Permissions" and under your assigned permission group.
    Then check the report check-box and "Save"

    If you need specific help, let us know in a private message to support.


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    Thanks Meir Done. will now quickly go check it out and revert back to you



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    Hi Meir thanks had a look at it, It would have been nice to sort per Agent (I looked at the receipts report) and also it is nice that it lists the invoice against which it has been allocated but the fact that it lists it as text and not in a column per row - makes it difficult to use the data when wanting to use vlookups. I know I am demanding but you asked me what i think and here it is.



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    Meir Hadassi

    Hi Elmi,

    You can use the filter per agency, and there is an option to see "summary report and not balance" just select it in the filters, this will bring you one line per PNR.


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