GDS enabling

This article will review the necessary functions to enable GDS via HahnAir Systems.

Agency Setup

  1. Ensure you have an agency set up under the name of Hahn Air, with the "Web Code" set to "H1". Otherwise, all bookings originating from H1 will be rejected.
  2. Ensure the H1 agency has sufficient booking and credit limits to accommodate incoming bookings.
  3. Ensure that the H1 agency can view all "published fares and routes" in their availability modes. This can be done by selecting options such as "See all classes" and "See generic fare schemes," depending on your airline setup.
  4. Note that all flights must be bookable on a "one way" basis through this agency.

Class setup

  1. Make sure you have a "Class H1 code" with a length of 1 character mapped to the class you wish to enable on GDS. Please make sure you do not duplicate this mapping.

Destinations setup

  1. Ensure that all your "GDS" destinations are selected with a relevant "GDS/LDS destination." This helps the system recognize which airport is in use.
  2. If you do not see an airport that is served by you on the list, please request its addition through support. The update of a destination to the list will take up to 2 business days.


Flight setup

All the flights and classes must be enabled on GDS, here is how:

  1. Select all the flights and pick "Set GDS status" and select Active in the Action pane on the right

  3. Select all the flight again and pick "Update class", select any of the classes that you want to enable on the GDS and fill the same number of QTY in the form field and check the checkbox "Enable on GDS" and click "Take action"
    Repeat this action for all classes which needs to be enabled on GDS

  4. All flights must be shown to Agents, as H1 is an agency in the system.

Day to day operations

By default, when you have completed the flight setup, the system will automatically send H1 the status of your flights (availability) by a message called "AVS" (Availability Status Message). This message will auto-generate when you:

  • Change a flight status
  • Change a class
  • Make a booking on the flight
  • Close a class

From time to time, H1 might ask you to perform an AVS recap, which means sending them the AVS messages for the entire route again. This can be done as follows:

  1. In the flight series screen, select all the flights.
  2. Choose "Send AVS recap" from the action pane.
  3. Click "Take action."

    All the actions above can also be done from the single flight screen for an individual flight.


You can review the H1 integrity report to validate if the steps were taken correctly.


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    Thank´s a lot !!
    It was missing a couple steps ..


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    Meir Hadassi

    Hi Bruno,

    Which steps do you think are missing?

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