Dear customers,
Today we have deployed a change which give you additional flexibility in the class setup for selling, we have added the checkbox of "Show to direct customers".
Until today, all classes were shown to direct customers bookings, and you could not setup classes which will not show in the case of a regular customer trying to book a VIP class which is "ONLY FOR AGENTS".
Since this development is done, you can now remove the check from this check-box which will cause the system not to show the class to direct bookings on the CRS and on the Web, allowing you to have classes which you offer only to clients.
With the combination of "Agency class restriction" and "User class restriction" you can now have classes shown to specific agencies / agents / users.
By default, we have marked all of your existing classes as "Show to direct clients" as this was the way the system worked until today.
If you need additional help about it, please consult support.