22/JAN/2016 - New "Agency" invoice value date

Dear customers,

Today we are launching a new and critical update to the "Agencies" system.

From now you can decide how to bill your agencies using a new term called "Value date", the value date is determined according to a setting in the "Agency" set up, it can have 3 options:

  1. Invoice date - (Like it was until the change) where the system will set the due date from X credit days you define from the "Invoice date"
  2. First service date - where the system will set the due date from the X credit days you define for the agency from the "First service date"
  3. Last service date - The system will set the due date from the X credit days you define for the agency from the "Last service date"

For example: if you have defined an agency with "First service date" value date, and the agent creates a PNR today (21/Jan) and their credit days are set to 10, the first service in the booking is for the 02/Feb, the invoice due date will be 12/Feb, meaning, 10 days from the 02/Feb.

Due to this update, the following reports and screens are updated:

  • Invoices date - You can pull the report according to Value date or Due date
  • Batch invoices - You can pull the report according to the value date or due date.
  • Agents statement - You can pull the report according to the value date or due date.
  • Agents balance screen - You can filter the screen according to the setting of the value date or due date.

Important notice:
When you update an agency "Credit days" or "Value date" this will NOT automatically update all the existing agency invoices due date, it will only affect invoices done from the moment onward.
If you would like to update the existing invoices of the agency, you will need to click the "Update VD" on the agency screen.


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