31/Aug/2014 - Version 4.4 Preliminary release

Dear customers,

We have loaded version 4.4 preliminary release.

This version have one change only, the change is the option to have multi-leg flights.
During the next days, you will see new options in the flight series screen, seat control etc.
The changes on the screens are to support the Multi-leg feature, however, the changes will not be usable but only to selected operators at this time.

If you want to create a flight, please select the type of the flight:

  1. From-To : regular “Point to point” / “Point to hub” / “Hub to Hub” etc.
  2. From-Via : regular from-via-to flights, from point to point via another point, or from-via-to hubs etc AND overlapping flights (triangle return flights)

If you encounter any error, please report it to us.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask it at support@aerocrs.com, our twitter account, Facebook page or in the Linkedin users group.

More information about the Multi-leg in the webinar which will be scheduled soon.

Thank you.
The AeroCRS team.

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