24/May/2016 - New "Totals" option on invoices

Dear customers,

Today we have added an option to add different "Totals" options on your invoice.

For customers which work on "VAT" on basis of the "Fare" and not from the total of the invoice, you can now add VAT total summary according to the "Service" lines.

You can enable the totals on the "Accounting" > "Invoices" > "Invoice settings" icon on the system.

You will have the following "total" options:

Total Fare Items Which Don't Have VAT Shows the summary of the fare (without TAX) for items which don't have VAT
Total Fare Items Which Have VAT Shows the summary of the fare (without TAX) for items which have VAT (inclusive of VAT)
Total Fare And Tax Of Items Which Don't Have VAT Shows the summary of the FARE+TAX for items which don't have VAT
Total Fare And Tax Of Items Which Have VAT Shows the summary of the FARE+TAX for items which have VAT (inclusive of VAT)
Total VAT Shows the total VAT only
Total Fare Items Which Have VAT net Shows the summary of the fare (without TAX) NET (without the VAT) for items which have VAT
Total net Shows the summary of the fare (without TAX) NET (without the VAT) for items which have VAT
Total net With Tax Shows the summary of the FARE+TAX NET (without the VAT) for all items
Total TAX without VAT Shows the summary of the TAX which don't have VAT
Total TAX with VAT Shows the summary of the TAX which have VAT (inclusive of VAT)
Total TAX net Shows the summary of the TAX net (without VAT)
Total TAX Shows the summary of the TAX (inclusive of VAT)
Total Fare Shows the summary of the FARE only (no tax) (inclusive of VAT)

As always, this can be translated for your invoice language in the "Ref template words" sub-module in the settings module.

Would you require additional assistance, please contact support.

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