In this article, we will review the packages option.
What is package?
A package is a way to sell your flights as fully bundled tourist attraction packages, along with hotels and other attractions, online.
The package will appear to your customers as a detailed day-by-day description of a tour so that they can see, get an impression, and pay for the full bundle straight on your GO7 booking engine.
Package management is located in the Packages submodule inside the Packages module. To create a new package, press the "New" button:
Let's explore the options that you can set there:
- Active: sets your new package active/inactive.
- Allow booking on request for this package.
- Book always on RQ:All bookings of this package will be marked as 'On Request' status (if you need to approve them manually).
- Name (internal): Set an internal name for this package that will show up in the CRS. The internal name is mandatory and must be unique in the system.
- Days Qty: The total quantity of days to stay.
- Destination: The package destination. It will be shown on the site in the Packages dropdown menu as a menu item name.
- Type: Allows you to manage packages in bulk (activate or deactivate, show or hide on the website). You can create the package types in the Package Types submodule of the Packages module.
- Package dates: From and To dates limit the stay. Sell From and Sell to dates limit the package dates to be sold within.
- Name (external): External package name that will be shown to your customers. It must be unique.
- Description: The general description of a package.
After filling out this form and saving, you will get to the Package screen. On this screen, you should set the package details. Just follow the purple button at the bottom of the page:
- +Day Description: Opens a pop-up window where you can add a description for each day of the package. Choose the day in the top window, fill the description in the Description field, and choose an image that will illustrate the day in the Image drop-down list (you can add images to this list at Website->Storage module).
- +Flight: Opens a pop-up where you can add a flight to a package. Choose a day of a flight, From and To points, and a time of day - the system will automatically find the flights for the customer according to the specific order dates.
- +LDS Flight: If you have a Local Distribution System agreement with another GO7 airline, you can add an LDS flight to your package. If you don't know what LDS is, you can read more here.
- Rules: Opens a pop-up to fill in the general package rules, terms and conditions, which will be shown in the Terms and Conditions section on the package page.
- Pricing: Opens a pop-up where you can set the prices (Adult & Child), pricing periods, and days of the week for each price row (you can differentiate the prices according to specific periods and days of the week). Please note that the pricing periods you set should cover the entire package period (if you don't have a package price for a certain period, it will not show for that period). What you set is shown to your customers in the "Period of service, departure days, and fares" section on the package page.
- Once you have set all of the above settings, check the Show On Web checkbox at the top of the Package screen.
You're done! As soon as you have an active package that's set to show up on the website, the Packages list will appear automatically in the website header, with all of your packages inside.
Can you book packages from CRS system?
Dear on duty,
How can we have access to the Packages module?
Best regards