05/Oct/2013 - Version 4.15

The following updates were made to version 4.15:

    1. Accouting
      1. Invoice personalzation
        To update the invoice template, go to “Invoices” sub-module in “Accounting” module and click the “Update invoice settings” button.
        The ability to change the following on the invoice:


        1. Invoice name – you can change the invoice name for example “TAX INVOICE” etc. according to your local rules.
        2. Small Header – you can add a small header to be included in the invoice below the “PNR REF”
        3. Additional text – you can add additional designed rich text to any invoice  – exmpales of use – “Bank transfer details” etc.
    2. General system
      1. All system filtered screens can be now exported to PDF, after filtering a screen in the system, you can click the PDF icon and save the output as a PDF.
    3. Reporting system
      1. All reports can now be issued as PDF.
        When you select an output for a report, simply click the PDF radion button and save as PDF
      2. All reports can be e-mailed with a PDF attachement and a CSV attachment.
        When you select to e-mail a report, a new menu will show:
        If you select either of the PDF or CSV it will add the attachment to the regular e-mail which will be sent to you.
        If you don’ t select anything, the report will be sent out to your e-mail as usual in HTML format.
      3. New / revised reports:
        1. Booking analysis report can now be scheduled, exported, e-mailed etc.
        2. Manifest report – The option to schedule or e-mail the manifest directly from the reporting system.
        3. Routes summary by day of the week – The option to see route summary by revenue or PAX by day of the week.
    4. E-mail “REF templates” as attachment
      We have added the option to send the PNR templates as attachments by e-mail as PDF:
      Click the “Attach template as PDF” and the system will send the template as HTML with a PDF attachment.
      Click the “Send only attachment” and the system will send the template only as PDF
    5. The option to “CC Myself” – We have added the option to CC your self, make sure your e-mail is updated under your user profile.
    6. Send invoices and receipts as attachments
      A new option was added to the e-mail screen from the PNR – The option to attach invoices and receipts related to the specific PNR to the e-mail as attachments.
    7. Class amendment and cancellation fees:
      We have expanded the class amendment fees and cancellation fees policy up to 4 periods, in addition, we have added the option to set the Amendment fee to be “Fixed fee per PAX” or “Percent per service”
    8. New settings for agents:
      1. PTL Alert interval – The option to set how many hours before the PTL the e-mail to the agency and agents will be sent (instead of the fixed 4 hours it was until now)
        Set ZERO for no alerts.
      2. Allow RQ bookings – The option to allow agents to book on Request (For applicable plans)
      3. VAT number – The option to set VAT number which will show on invoices for the specified agency.
      4. Remark – The option to set a remark which will show on the agency invoices.
    9. Cargo pricing macahnizm
      We have added a cargo pricing machanizem, which allows you to specify the pricing structures for cargo.


      1. The basic cargo types are: “Bag”, “Envelope”, “Package” and “Plate”, should you want to add more specific to your company, go to “Operations administrations” module and then to “Cargo types” sub-module, you can now add some more.
      2. To add pricing to each package type, go to “Marketing” and then to “Cargo rates” sub-module


        1. select Cargo type
        2. Select handler
        3. Select validty dates (of service)
        4. Pricing goes:
          1. Pricing per KG per 1 NOP
          2. Pricing per KG regardless of NOP
          3. Pricing per NOP regardless of KG
        5. Set the Rate, Tax, and VAT


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