17/SEP/2016 - Limiting currency fare payments

Dear customers,

Until today, when a user/agent booked a booking with a different currency than your default system currency (for example GBP), the system would require the user to pay the amount according to the currency exchange rate at the moment of payment.

Today, we are introducing a feature which will "lock" the currency exchange rate for limited fares (for more information about limited currency fares, click here), when applying this option on your system, bookings which are booked for limited currency fares will "block" the user from paying in another currency than the currency he chose to book.

To activate this feature, please go to "administrations" > "Company settings" icon and check "Limit payment for limited fares":


NOTE - the system will still save the invoice with the "total" of the default currency you have in the system (for example USD) and the booking data will be saved for reports in your default currency with the conversion rate of the booked date.

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