Class Groups

In this article, we will review the Class Groups sub-module, which allows you to classify your classes by group and display said groups in different reports.

How to create a Class Group and assign it to a specific class?

To create a new Class Group:

  • Go to Marketing (module) -> Class Groups (sub-module)
  • Click on the 'add new' icon


  1. Within the Class Group creation screen, fill in the relevant information:

  • Active: Select whether you want the class group to be active in the system or not.
  • Group name: Input the desired name for the group.


To assign a Class Group to an specific class:

  1. Go to Marketing (module) -> Classes (sub-module).
  2. Select the relevant class.
  3. In the Class screen configuration, select the Class Group from the drop-down menu.


The following reports allow you to check and filter information according to the Class Group:

  • Class Booking Analysis: In this report, you can check the option to see the Class Groups.


  • Flight Check-in Revenue: In this report, you can filter by a specific Class Group.







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