07/MAR/2021 - Seat fares mass upload/update

Dear Customers,

We would like to update you on a new feature that will allow you to upload and update seat fares massively. 

Mass Upload seat fares:

  1. Go to Marketing > Seat fares
  2. Click on the upload file mceclip1.png
  3. Download the sample file in this link to use as a reference.

  4. Upload the CSV file was completed by selecting or dropping it on the relevant window and press "UPLOAD"

  5. If no errors on the file, the system will upload the new seat fares accordingly.

Mass update seat fares:

  1. Go to Marketing > Seat fares
  2. Filter the results according to the relevant records you will like to update (for a specific route, seat map, all active fares, etc).
  3. After you have the filtered results on the screen, a new button will show “Special export”, you can download the mass update seat fare file by clicking on it
  4. Update the fares using Excel / Numbers and save the file accordingly
  5. Click on the mass update seat fare button
  6. Upload the CSV file was completed by selecting or dropping it on the relevant window and press "UPLOAD"
  7. If no errors on the file, the system will update the new seat fares accordingly.

Please note the following column which needs to be translated in the files to number:

  • Fare active - 1=Active, 0=Not active
  • Charge on checkin - 1=Active, 0=Not active
Please make sure that the files are in comma-separated format (CSV)


If you have any questions or require additional assistance please submit a support ticket directly or contact us at support@aerocrs.com 
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