Dear Customers,
We will like to inform you of a new feature which will change the cancelation flow of tickets on the system.
Now, when you will cancel a ticket the system will show you the available services and the user will require to select the specific service/s.
Once the services are selected you can press on the button and the system will cancel only that specific service, the PNR will be in HN (Holding Needs) status and it will not be possible to cancel or amend other services, cancelation penalty will need to be pay and booking re-reticketed accordingly.
Notice that the system will charge the cancelation policy for the relevant class/flight selection.
Additionally, for airlines that work with RT fares, meaning that both flights are canceled together, there is an option per user to overwrite this setting, you will need to go to Administrations > Users and mark the following permission:
Notice that providing this permission might allow canceling services individually causing passengers to exploit the option to flight an OW leg with an RT leg price (cheaper).