Unable to split a booking

In this article we will cover the troubleshooting options for the Split Booking functionality.
If you are facing any difficulties to perform/complete the split action, please review the information bellow:


You try to click on the Split Booking button within the PNR screen, but then you encounter the following system alert:


If you have already checked the points listed in the alert but the issue still persists, the problem most likely lies within your user account permissions. You need to ensure that the following permissions are activated for your user account:

  1. The "Cancel Past Tickets" permission is only relevant if you are trying to split a past PNR (PNR that has reached or passed the first service date).

  2. If the "Allow split PNR" permission is not marked, the system will deactivate the split functionality for the user.

  3. If you are able to open the split window but cannot split the services, you should enable the "Split services" permission.

If you have any further questions about this process, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket to our Support department. We are happy to assist you at any time. 
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