02/JAN/2019 - Modules Layout updates

Dear Customers, 

We want to inform you about a few changes implemented in the modules layout in order to improve your user experience. 

We have added the Packages Module with the following sub-modules:

1) Packages (previously under the Marketing module).

2) Package Types (previously under the Marketing module).


We have renamed the AeroCRS Network sub-module to Distribution with the following sub-modules:

1) AN Transactions (Only available for airlines with AeroCRS Network agreement).

2) AN Connections (Only available for airlines with AeroCRS Network agreement).

3) LDS (previously under Marketing).

4) Code Share (previously under Marketing).


We have additionally relocated he Charter Rates from the Marketing module to the Charter module:


And Online Campaigns has been also relocated from the Marketing module to the Website module:




If you have any further questions about this new feature, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket to our Support department, and we will be more than happy to assist you at any time. 
Have more questions? Submit a request


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