13/MAY/2019 - H1 automatization updates

Dear Customers, 

We want to inform you regarding new changes in the working flow with Hahn Air (H1) bookings.

All the H1 bookings are checked by them every 6 hours in order to review if the booking is synced correctly (only segments are validated, not passengers).

There are the new conditions in H1 system:

  1. If H1 systems find the same segments in the booking like in their system -> No actions are taken.
  2. If H1 systems find that a segment is missing from the booking -> A cancellation for this segment is sent to the GDS.
  3. If H1 systems find a new segment:
    • If the segment is already on H1 schedule for the airline -> Segment is sent to GDS to be added.
    • If the segment is not found in H1 schedule for the airline -> It produces an error on H1 side and their scheduling team will check if and how it can load this segment.

These changes mean:

  • The airline has full control over rebooking within their own schedule.
  • H1 will not cancel bookings automatically when a flight gets canceled, the airline has to rebook or cancel the relevant segment.
  • Rebooking to flights outside of the airline schedule is (as usual) not possible.
If you have any further questions about this new feature, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket to our Support department, and we will be more than happy to assist you at any time.
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