26/MAY/2019 - PAL/CAL messages

Dear Customers,

We want to inform you that our system now supports Passenger Assistance List (PAL) and a Change Assistance List (CAL) messages to be sent to the different DCS stations (like PNL/ADL messages).

You will need to activate this option going to Operations Administrations > Destinations:


Notice that you can configure a different PAL timing from the regular PNL messages, if you don't set a PAL timing the system will send it according to your PNL timing setting.

Additionally, you will need to configure which SSR is relevant to be sent in these messages going to Operations Administrations > SSR.


Notice that these messages will be sent separately from the regular PNL/ADL messages.


If you have any further questions about this new feature, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket to our Support department, and we will be more than happy to assist you at any time.




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