02/OCT/2019 - Increased error rate on internal infrastructure

Dear customers,

Due to an issue with an internal resource we are using in our infrastructure supplier, we are experiencing an increased latency and error rate in several internal procedures that are responsible for several aspects of the system. 

The issue is affecting:

  • Internet booking engine
  • Invoices display
  • Sending e-mails from the system as PDF

We are working with the infrastructure supplier in order to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, we will keep updating this article with further information.

20:57 UTC - Issue resolved, we are working to restore access to invoice display for invoices that were issued during the error period, which might take a few hours.

21:23 UTC - All invoices should display correctly now.

21:24 UTC - We are closing the issue, thank you for your patience and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

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