27/OCT/2019 - Flexible cancellations and amendments period for class brands

Dear Customers,

We would like to update you on a new improvement added to the system that will allow you to set flexible time periods for free-of-charge amendments and/or cancellations for a brand. 
(Not sure what Class Branding is? please follow this article)


In order to allow a flexible (no-charge) amendment or cancellation period for a brand, mark the relevant option and add the interval (In minutes). 

The time interval inserted will be the time before the departure (First service on the PNR) in which the cancellation/amendments policies will take effect, all previous amendments or cancellations will be done free of charge.

If a customer booked a flight on the "Basic" brand that will depart today at 12:00 GMT, every amendment done until 10:00 GMT (120 minutes) will be done free of charge, any later amendment done will be charged per the class's amendment policy settings.


This new feature is part of our "Ultimate" service level, if you require further information about opening the feature or upgrading your service level, please contact us at support@aerocrs.com


NOTE: Some of the permissions above might be restricted for your user login, please ask your administrator if you encounter a need for a permission in this screen
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