12/NOV/2019 - VIP Passengers List

Dear Customers,

We want to update you on a new feature we have added to the system for creating a VIP passenger list. 

The creation of the VIP list will be done from the CRM > VIP sub-module.

Please create a record for every VIP passenger, enter all valid information (Title, First name, Last name, and Email).

Please notice that the system will validate a PAX as a VIP client using either the title + first name + last name combination or by the email alone.


Once a new booking will be created and a VIP passenger will be detected, the system will send an automated alert email to the address set as the reservation email address under the company settings (Administrations > Users > Company settings).

The email alert that will be sent automatically from the system:
(notice that replies for this account are not monitored!)


Additionally, the system will add a comment in the PAX remark indicating the passenger as "VIP".




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