04/MAR/2020 - Individual terms and conditions per language for ref templates

Dear Customers,

We would like to update you with an improvement done on the templates settings that allow you to set different terms and conditions (T&C) text/HTML for different languages.

The version of the T&C that will be attached to the printed or emailed template will be determined by the selected language when sending/printing the template from the CRS or by the language used by the user when completing the booking process on the IBE.

We have added a new sub-module called 'T&C' under the 'Administrations' module to set the different T&Cs texts for specific languages.


Active Set the T&C status.
Individual Mark to set an individual ticket T&C template, if not marked it will be used for the general templates.
Default Mark to set this T&C as default, will be sent if no language is set or selected.
Language Set the T&C language, the list is updated according to the languages set of the 'Ref Lang' sub-module.
Terms and Conditions text Rich text editor to add the T&C text or HTML code.


Please notice that you must have at least one default version of T&C and that it will not be possible to set more than one record for the same language and T&C type (Individual/general).

Once set, the system will send the relevant version of the T&C for templates that have this marking active:


And also according to the language set for the sent template or the language selected on the print/email option from the PNR:


If the template is sent by email and the 'personal tickets' option is marked, a relevant individual T&C version will be sent, if no individual T&C is present in the system, the default T&C version will be sent for the individual tickets as well.



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