Scheduling reports to SFTP server

Dear Customers,

Here's how you can schedule reports to be sent to an SFTP server folder in addition to the option of sending them via email:

  • Select the Report: Choose the report you want to schedule from the system. (Not sure how to schedule reports to your email? Learn more.)
  • Enable Scheduling: Tick the box next to "Schedule this report" to activate scheduling.
  • Choose SFTP Option: After enabling scheduling, you'll see an option to select "report to SFTP". Mark this option to indicate that you want the report to be sent to an SFTP server.
  • Set Filters: Set any necessary filters to customize the data included in the report according to your requirements.
  • Select File Format: Choose the format in which you want the report to be saved. Options may include CSV, PDF, or other supported formats.


  • Click Schedule: Once you've configured the scheduling options, including the report period, frequency, time of day, and recipients, click the "Schedule" button to activate the feature.
In order to have this feature available for your company, please first contact us at and we will provide you with the needed credentials to access your private company folder.
If you have any questions or need any assistance on this new feature, please contact us at 


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