17/MAY/2020 - Schemes per OTA in AeroCRS Network

Dear customers, 

We would like to update you on a new feature that will allow you to set specific schemes for your OTAs under the AN Connections. 

This works exactly like for regular Agencies on the system and you will need to:

  1. Go to Marketing > Fares schemes and create a new one:mceclip0.png
  2. You will need to create the relevant fares and assign the scheme:mceclip1.png
  3. Select the relevant scheme under Distribution > AN Connections:mceclip3.pngmceclip5.png

Notice that just like with CRS agencies, you will need to select a specific scheme or mark the option 'See Generic' scheme:


If you have any further questions or doubts regarding this new option, please contact us at support@aerocrs.com 
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