Dear customers,
You can now add a specific alert per route using Google Tag Manager. This can be utilized by airlines that have a specific notification for a particular route.
You will need to create a new Tag on GTM:
You should use the following code:
var params = window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(1);
var dsts = params[1];
if(dsts.length==14){dsts = params[2];}
var showAlert = false;
var langcode = $('#langcode').val();
switch(langcode) {
case 'en':
popTitle = 'Route notification';
popBody = 'Please note that you must be a local for these flights.';
case 'es':
popTitle = 'Route notification in Spanish';
popBody = 'Please note that you must be a local for those flights. (Spanish)';
switch(dsts) {
case 'ZRH-STR':
showAlert = true;
$('#invalidDate').after('<div class="userPop noRes" id="searchCustom" aria-hidden="true"><a href="#" onclick="$(\'\#searchCustom\'\).hide();" aria-controls="searchCustom" class="userPop_close">×</a><div class="userPop_title">'+popTitle+'</div><div class="userPop_body"><div class="userPop_tabs"><div class="userPop_panel" role="tabpanel" aria-hidden="false"><div class="userPop_form"><div class="userPop_formTitle">'+popBody+'</div><div class="userPop_submit" id="closeDynamicFormPopPop"><input type="button" onclick="$(\'\#searchCustom\'\).hide();" value="OK"></div></div></div></div></div></div>');
Notice that you can set up your specific routes (in this case is ZRH-STR) and your relevant messages according to the languages supported on your website.
You will also need to create a trigger which will be a 'Page View' type, you should mark only for 'Some page views'.
The condition should be for Page Path contains and you will write flight-results
This way, this alert will only be triggered when the passenger is redirected to the flight results page.
The result of the notification will be like this: