In this article, you will learn how to create and manage multileg flights in the system.
Multileg flights are flights that have at least one stopover.
To create multileg flights, navigate to the "Operations" module -> Flight series 2 and then click on the "Add New" button.
In the flight series creation screen that appears, you will need to fill in the relevant information for the flight series you are about to create in the system.
- Active: Set the flight series as active
- Show On Web: Mark the checkbox if you want the flight to be visible on website.
- Show to agents: Mark the checkbox if you want the flight to be visible to agents.
- FLT#: Type the flight number that you wish to have for the flights under this series.
- S/L: Pick the service load for this flight series (Total seats available for the flight).
- Income Code: Optional field that is mostly relevant in cases that your airline is using an external accounting application which is integrated with GO7.
- Flight Type: Select "Multileg" as the flight type for this series
- Legs and Timings: In the From/VIA/To lists you will need to pick the relevant destinations and set the STD (Schedule Time of Departure) and STA (Schedule Time of Arrival) for each leg/segment. Please note that you can add as many VIA legs by simply clicking on the button next to the STD field.
- Start Date / End Date: Select the dates range in which this flight series will be operated.
- Flight Series Weekdays: Set the weekdays in which this flight will operate.
- Flight Series Rules: You can assign up to 4 rules per flight series. Flight rules can be created under the Marketing module -> Rules.
- Overlapping Leg: Select overlapping flight if applicable. (Not sure about overlapping flights? Learn more)
- Flight Series Classes: Set the classes that will be available for this series and the seat quantity. Make sure to select the leg type as Multileg:
Additional classes can be added by clicking on the button in that section.
Leg Restriction:
If you would like to learn how to restrict a specific leg in a multileg flight (useful in scenarios where you've decided to prevent one of the legs/routes from being bookable in a multileg flight), you can review the following article:
How to restrict a leg in Multileg flight
If you have any further questions about the creation of multileg flights after reading this article, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket to our Support department.