02/JUN/2021 - Refundable ticket amount

Dear Customers,

We would like to update you on a new option in the branding which will allow you to set reservations as a refundable one with a fee.
When marking the 'Refundable Tickets' field in the brand and adding an amount in the Refundable ticket amount, the system will overwrite the penalty which is configured in the class. 


Notice that will not be logical to use this option when marking 'Flexible cancellation', in such case, the system will give priority to the Flexible cancelation and there will not be a penalty for the reservation (except for the cancelation interval).

We recommend you to check the following article: Fare Branding


If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this new option please submit a support ticket directly or contact us at support@aerocrs.com 
Have more questions? Submit a request


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