Create Fares

In this article, you will learn how to upload fares to the GO7 PSS system.

Fares are one of the 5 steps required to get results in the AVL search, therefore they must be accurate and updated.

You create separate fares for each route and each class on your route-map.

Creating a New Fare:

  1. Go to Marketing (module) -> Fares (sub-module).
  2. Click on the 'add new' icon.


Within the fare creation screen, fill out all relevant information about the fare:

  • Active: Select whether the fare should be active in the system.
  • Destination: Select the 'From' and 'To' within the drop-down menu, representing the route for this fare record.
  • Basis: Enter the fare basis to be shown on the ticket for reference.
  • Charge Type: Select the fare's charge type. (Learn more about charge types here)
  • Start/End Date: Set the time period of scheduled flights this fare will be available for.
  • Fare Scheme: Assign this fare to an agent's fare scheme. (Learn more about fare schemes here).
  • Brand: Select the fare branding. (Learn more about fare branding here).
  • Sell Start/End: the time period in which this fare is applicable for sale.
  • Show (hours): Set the number of hours before the flight's departure this fare should be shown. If set to 0 (zero), the fare will be shown always. (i.e. if the show is set to 5, this fare will be shown only in the last 5 hours before the departure time).
  • Expiry (hours): Set the number of hours before the flight's departure this fare should expire. If set to 0 (zero), the fare will never expire. (i.e. if expiry is set to 5, this fare will be available up to 5 hours prior to the departure time, after that it will no longer be shown and available for purchase).
  • Minimum stay: set a specification for RT fares and limit the minimum number of staying days this fare will be valid for, set to 0 for no restrictions. (i.e if min. stay is set to 5, this fare will only be shown on RT searches with a stay of 5 days or more in the destination).
  • Maximum stay: set a specification for RT fares and limit the maximum number of staying days this fare will be valid for, set to 0 for no restrictions. (i.e if max. stay is set to 5, this fare will only be shown on RT searches with a stay of up to 5 days or less in the destination).
  • Class: Select the class this fare (Mandatory).
  • Baggage: Set weight of baggage allowed for this route. This will override destination default. Put 0 (zero) to ignore.
  • Yield Type: It is possible to select the load factor according to the cabin of the aircraft or the specific class.  (Learn more about yield management here)

  • Yield show: Set the minimum load factor for which this fare will be shown (in percentage)

  • Yield expire: Set the maximum load factor for which this fare will expire/disappear (in percentage)

  • Selling days: select the day for which the fare will be valid for


  1. Currency: Select the fare currency.
  2. Limit to selling currency - Mark this checkbox If you desire to sell the fare only with a specific currency (Only AVL bookings).
  3. OW-ADL: Type one way fare for an adult.
  4. OW-CHD: Type one way fare for a child.
  5. OW-INF: Type one way fare for an infant.
  6. OW-TAX1-4: Type one way tax fare. System has 4 types of taxes.
  7. RT-ADL: Type round trip adult fare (Sum the total fare for round trip, and divide by 2. E.G: If total round trip price is 180, put 90)
  8. RT-CHD: Type round trip child fare (Sum the total fare for round trip, and divide by 2. E.G: If total round trip price is 120, put 60)
  9. RT-INF: type the round trip infant fare (Sum the total fare for round trip, and divide by 2. E.G: If total round trip price is 18, put 9)
  10. RT-TAX1/2/3/4: Type round trip tax fare. System has 4 types of taxes (Sum the total fare for round trip, and divide by 2. E.G: If total round trip price is 20, put 10)
  11. Charge TAX on return: Decide what legs you want the tax to be charged, relevant for RT fares only. 
    • On both legs
    • On first leg only
    • On second leg only
  12. Fare Type: Select how you want the system to pickup the fare on AVL search
    • OW fare - Set this option if you want the fare to display only when searching for one way bookings
    • OW/RT combination - Set this option if you want the fare to show when searching for either one way and round trip
    • RT fares - Set this option if you want the fare to be shown only when searching round trip. Please use the one way fare fields only when choosing this type, and make sure that the opposite leg is also updated with this type of fare.
      Important: using the OW and RT types (not the combination) works only with classes set as "Use OW fares only".
  13. VAT: Add VAT percentage that will be added on top of the fare (For 10%, put 10 without decimal points).
  14. Charge VAT on TAX: Select this option to charge VAT on TAX


  1. Remarks: Additional text for internal use only.
  2. Notifications: Additional text to be shown on booking process and printouts
  3. For Daily Fares, please see our Daily Fares article



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