Cancel a booking: How-to

In this article, we will walk you through the process of canceling a booking in the GO7 PSS system.

There are several scenarios for this process, which vary based on the airline's policy. Some airlines have cancellation policies with added penalties, while others do not. In this article, we will cover the proper steps for each scenario.

  1. The first step in the cancellation process is to cancel the issued ticket and invoice by clicking on the red X button next to the ticket number and ticket date.

  2. Once you have cancelled the ticket, the system will enable the Refund button (it was hidden before), allowing you to process a refund and balance the PNR.

    (Not sure how to process a refund? click here for more information)

  3. The next step will be to cancel the flights (or services) in the PNR. In the services section within the PNR screen, you will notice another red X button next to each available service.

  4. Once the services were cancelled, you will be able to complete the last step by clicking on the XX button:

    As shown in the above alert, this button will cancel all of the activity in this booking, essentially making the PNR look like this:


The cancellation process is almost identical across all of the different scenarios, with the following exceptions/comments:

  • When you have a penalty that needs to be paid, you will need to process a payment to cover it in order to balance the PNR. Alternatively, you can manually cancel the penalty record.
  • When you cancel an agent booking that was originally paid with a voucher, you will need to ensure that you also cancel that voucher to cancel all of the activity in the booking.
  • If you have any active services in the PNR (such as flights, penalties, ancillaries, etc.), you will not be able to perform the XX action.
  • The purpose of the XX button is to finalize the cancellation process by canceling and disabling any other activity or booking options that you have in the PNR.
You can also check the Advanced cancellation option in case you have activated this option.
If you have any further questions about this process, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket to our Support department, and we will be more than happy to assist you at any time. 


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    how to make the crs agent to make refund him self with out refer to admin ,, i try to use reinstate option but not working

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    Isaac Khon

    Hi Moath, you should use deposit in these cases, refunds are not available for CRS agents directly.

    For further details on this setup, you can contact us on support.

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